Your body is your instrument

We all know that as singers, our body is our instrument. And subsequently, we know that it is important to take care of our health, as it will effect the quality of our singing. No one knows this better than I do, after my battle with CRPS these past two years. So now it’s important not just for me, but the rest of us singers, that we take care of our health! Because without it, what are we?

I’ve been doing.a lot more for my health since getting back to college, not only because of my illness, but also because when I feel better, I sing better. It’s so simple!

So what’s the first thing I’ve been doing? I’ve started pilates! To be clear, it’s reformer and tower pilates, and I take a combination of private lessons with my instructor and group classes. I find pilates is amazing to get those little muscles we don’t normally use working for us again. It’s really helping my major abdominal muscles start firing again after having to learn to walk again. It’s something I think I’ll be doing through recovery and beyond.

Another thing I’m doing is working with a personal trainer again at the gym. I’ve got a brand new gym program to get back into decent shape again. It makes me feel much more confident when I’m a certain size and level of fitness and that needs to be normalised if it’s healthy. I’m doing a program of squats, assisted. pull ups, chest press, shoulder press, low row, weighted Russian twists and weighted glute bridges. This with a combination of running, swimming, and spin classes is getting me back into fighting shape. All singers are different, but I find that when I’m more physically fit, my voice is produced more easily and readily, plus my coloratura feels sooo much easier!

Leading on from that I’m finally back hiking and mountain climbing! It’s been so long since I’ve been able to do these things which I absolutely love and now I finally feel fit enough. Not only is this amazing for your overall health, but now my mental health is feeling the benefits of being out in nature and breathing fresh air.

Of course I’m addressing my diet too, because in order t be truly healthy you need to improve your diet and eat well. I’m trying to balance all of my macronutrients and eat as much vegetables as possible. I’m a green juice kind of girl, so I’m drinking lots of those too. People think it’s easier to eat healthily when you’re vegetarian / vegan, but honestly I find it just as hard – French fries are my weakness!


Opera Scenes Rehearsals


Semester Two