Semester Two

Hello and welcome with my brand new website! I’m so excited to have you here. You will be able to find all of my upcoming engagements, book me for your event, or hire me as your coach / teacher. Right here on the blog I’ll be keeping you updated with my experiences as an opera singer and actress in 2022. I’ll talk about my studies, competitions, and everything that goes into being a professional performer in these industries.

Diving straight on in, I’m officially back at college in the Royal Irish Academy of Music after taking some time off for my health. I completed my semester one exams where I sang some Schubert lieds and selections from the role of Zerlina from Mozart’s Don Giovanni. I received a first class honours in my semester one exams, which has made me super happy and excited now that we’re moving into semester two.

The main focus of this semester will be competition season, language courses, repertoire-bulking (a term I coined myself, LOL!) and health-focused activities. The feiseanna of Ireland will be coming up at the end of March and I cannot wait to get back into competition performance. This year, I’m focusing mainly on the Feis Ceoil Dublin, and will be performing in the German Government Cup, the Soprano Solo, the Young Cup, the Dramatic Cup, and the Rathmines & Rathgar Cup. I have some really stunning new repertoire for these competitions too that I just cannot wait to show you!

We’re also doing a lot of ensemble work in college right now, where I’m preparing the roles of Susanna from Mozart’s Le Nozze di Figaro and Papageno from Mozart’s Die Zauberflote.

I will also be taking some extra language classes in Italian this year to try and increase my fluency in this language.

Lastly, what I mean when I say repertoire-bulking, I mean that I take a certain amount of time to increase my repertoire portfololio as it were, and I learn a bunch of new songs and arias that are suited to my voice during this period of growth. It’s one of my favourite things to do and makes me so excited for the future when I’ll be performing these pieces.

I’m also taking this semester to really focus in on Susanna and Zerlina. I have my brand new Barenreiter scores that I will study from and I’m really excited to get started!

Something else I’ll be sharing more of here is my health journey. We all know that as singers, our bodies are the instruments. This means we have to take care of ourselves in order to perform at our absolute optimum level. Considering all my body has been through this year, and everything I’ve needed to overcome. it’s even more imperative that I focus my attention on improving my health and incorporating effective healthy habits into my daily routine. For example, I’ve already set myself the goal of increasing my water consumption from 2 litres to 3 litres, and I’m back exercising at the gym four times a week, which is a post for another day. Would you be interested in finding our more about my workout routines? Do let me know!

So I really just wanted to pop by and say hello and hope you are all having a beautiful start to 2022! I can’t wait to share more with you through this blog. Let me know in the comments below what you’re most excited about at the moment, and if you have any special requests for these insights into my life!

Sending much love xxx


Your body is your instrument